The World’s Largest Moose (Statue)
His name is Mac and for 31 years he was the tallest moose in the world. It’s only appropriate he resides in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan (that’s in Canada) where lots of moose roam.
Is that Moose Putting on Suntan Lotion?
Can you imagine seeing a moose on the sunny beaches of Florida, California, anywhere in the world wearing sunglasses and a bathing suit? Neither can we, and chances are you’ll never see a moose laying on a beach towel anywhere.

Would a Moose Laugh at These Jokes?
When we think of moose we tend to think of really big gangly creatures that have a whole lot of antlers on their heads. That’s probably what makes them so easy to make fun of and here are a few of the silliest moose jokes we’ve heard lately.